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In providing legal assistance, I handle cases in the area of personal law, which is closely correlated with whether or not one has legal capacity and the resulting legal consequences.

I lead in this, among other things:

  • the case for declarations of death;
  • death cases;
  • Cases for the revocation of an order declaring dead / declaring death;
  • guardianship cases with an application for the appointment of an interim counsel;
  • cases for the revocation of guardianship;

I strive to provide an individual approach to each case entrusted to me, tailoring services to the specific needs and expectations of the Principal.

The above list represents only a partial outline of cases from the described section of law. Should you have any additional questions concerning the scope and nature of the legal support provided, I would like to inform you that the contact details, including the form, can be found in the “CONTACT” tab and in the lower “footer” of the website. In the mobile version, telephone contact is also possible by pressing the “handset” button that appears on the display of the phone screen.

I will try to give you an answer as clearly as possible.

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